All Embedded Theorists should love Ethogram Theory

All Embodied Theorists should love Ethogram Theory.

The Ultimate (yet necessary) strict empirical "Embodiment" (true Embodiment) IS the perspective on Behavior PATTERNS & approach of ANOTHER THEORY

THIS IS FROM : Discussion from

The Ultimate, yet necessary, strictly empirical "Embodiment" (true empirical Embodiment) IS the perspective on Behavior PATTERNS and the approach offered by Ethogram Theory. PERIOD.


[ ALSO, Ethogram Theory FIXES an incongruity in Perceptual Control Theory. This is an inconsistency in PCT AND does not logically follow [from the rest of the theory] and this bit is not sound. This is explicated elsewhere, among my essays and responses to others. ]


Brad Jesness

Brad Jesness

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Jan 27


added an update

Recent essays, all Answers to others' Questions

Since my last collected writings I have written some noteworthy essays -- all as Answers to others' Questions. (Consciousness and the roles of emotions are a couple of the topics,) To get to these Answers: Go to my Profile page and Click Research, then go down the list and CLICK Answers.


Jan 18


added an update

Embodied Theory, in the final analysis, leads to Ethogram Theory

Ironically, my Ethogram theory is where Embodied theories MUST end up. So it is : BY LOGIC AND sound evidence-and-thought (via true and strict empiricism). It is certain these theories MUST end up this way if these theorists and researchers seek more and more (and better) empirical groundings. This should interest ALL strict empiricists, scientists.

It is the made-up and said-important ad hoc types of theory that I have indicated are unacceptable -- for all these many years.

Embodied Theory, in the final analysis leads to Ethogram Theory.


Sep 18, 2022


added an update

An entry to the AI/AGI Project you may find interesting

You may well find the LAST (Sept. 18, 2022) Update to the Project Log OF MY AI (artificial intelligence) Project interesting and a very short synopsis of what good my cognitive developmental (Psychology) Project -- the perspective and approach there -- would likely be for General Artificial Intelligence. See that.



added an update

My last Question Answers, an Overview

After about 6 years of explication of my perspective and approach and then an additional 1 - 1.5 years of further "selling it", I am done. During that last 1.5 years (or so) of "pushing" my perspective, I have asked only 15 Questions and provided about 100 Answers (and, these are the ONLY writings that are not in downloadable collections of papers/essays).

My last FOUR Answers are quite revealing, if you want a very, very short summary of my predominant view on science and on Psychology, in particular (thus, you may want to see and read that). To get to those: Get to my Profile, click "Research" (near the top of the page). Then find the word, "Answers", in the left column -- and see the last 4 or so Answers (these are Answers to 2 different Questions (and, I may need to EDIT THIS if I Answer any more)). I am trying to keep my participation to a minimum and I may post no more.


Jun 27, 2022


added an update

For a brief over-view of Ethogram Theory and my perspective and approach, in addition to Final Clear Adherances (but MUCH BRIEFER), see ...

For a brief over-view of Ethogram Theory and my perspective and approach, in addition to Final Clear Adherances (but MUCH BRIEFER), see :

Neither summaries cover everything and the link referred to tells you less than "Final Clear Adherances"


Jan 5, 2022


added an update

An Important UPDATE to Ethogram Theory itself

Unique Human Ability: Sequencing

If we must "separate ourselves from the other animals," I see the capability to clearly note sequences and articulate them as the KEY -- and this (of course) involves not just elements of our own work, but, to a necessary extent, the work of others (AND ALSO naturally occurring related things in sequences). This sequencing ability is related to our numerical abilities and our immense liking (and pervasive use) of numbers.

Just this brings the "human" to a new level. BUT, it is not that big a deal. Usually this involves specializing in one thing (whether of our own related discoveries and/or related findings of others). Thus, cooperation and specialization (together with this clear ability to articulate sequences) is what we do that is unique. THAT MAY MAINLY BE ALL. It appears that some other talk of "only humans can do this or that ..." are contrivances merely, and simply or vaguely and/or sloppily, related to our good sequencing abilities. SO: Let's not artificially mix things so we see ourselves as "great" also here or there in big general ways -- in some seemingly larger or more inclusive ways. I believe such is just confusion (and ignorance) -- and is of no good use FOR UNDERSTANDING.

This may well be a needed addition to Ethogram Theory, which otherwise w​



added an update

Psychology (and AI/AGI) seriously lack appreciation for inductive reasoning ...

Psychology (and, thus also: AI/AGI) seriously lack appreciation for inductive reasoning, even though that is what humans do and need to do most of the time. The only interest in inductive reasoning comes up with the topic of analogies (this is A TINY FRACTION of the use of induction -- inductive reasoning -- by humans). THIS is Psychology's and AI/AGI's BIGGEST PROBLEM (and this is an extremely serious AND CRITICAL problem); I do offer a cure (how to think, look, and see differently and what comes of that) : READ ME, OR it seems you are VERY STUCK and will stay that way -- time and history has ALREADY shown us that; and, things will improve greatly ONLY IF you can take another critical and much-needed, in fact VITAL, perspective and approach.

Also see:



added an update

Key parts of my view and position, as briefly as I can present it (for readers, for "starters")

I appreciate that for cognizance , a BRIEF presentation of a view-and-approach needs to be made (the reason is: to be in line with the limited nature of working memory/explicit attention). The following brief overview is one I present late in life -- first stated just in the last couple of days. [ Of course, one must realize this presentation does not include the specifics : specific aspects of the nature of that found, even some of those which must be assumed NOR are the very-near-clear testable hypotheses HERE (in the paragraphs, below). But after digesting the "outline" (actually: part-"picture"), below, ALL that refines the view and approach, in all my all-related writings which have come before, make all (everything, to start behavior science) more clear and more recognizable as truly THAT: the clear view, in totality, at present. ALL writings, articles, numerous essays and a "book" are available here on ResearchGate. ] Here goes, starting with characteristics that must be involved (and adhering to all such as other aspects are described). : First, involved :

Establishment of NECESSARY premises and the observance thereof (NOTE, don't worry : All true science, by its basic/necessary/required view and approach, is SELF-CORRECTING; if what you are doing cannot be perfectly well-seen as having the characteristic of self-correction, then THAT -- what you are doing -- is N​O​T​



added an update

Message to AI/AGI People (AND relevant to all behavioral science)

Re: "Knowledge Levels" in Cognitive Architectures

Re: A modern stage theory involving a true hierarchy

In my modern theory of cognitive development, stages begin with basic perceptual shifts and, as behavior develops, the 5 different stages develop as a true HIERARCHY. True hierarchies ALWAYS involve key old behaviors and cognitions being reframed (by more efficient or essential chunking) __AND__ seeing something new (OR having somethings seen anew), so there is a larger (or more expansive or open OR key) new set attended to -- this is the new "higher level" SET.

There is little to "hang one's hat on" with the onset of new stage: a new higher level set which hierarchically (AS JUST DESCRIBED) subsumes key portions of the old type of sets __and__ goes beyond that to provide an efficient representation of that set and the representation of the new set of elements : key old elements AND THE NEW FRAMING FOR SOMETHING NEW, which then comes.

If there is more ontogeny, THIS type, in a major sense, becomes a new unit of representation and thought.



added an update

The Presentation of the Theory is now complete

The Presentation of the Theory is now complete; I am finished and I am done.

SEE: the next ( actually, the LAST ) Update, the Update 4 below that and the

Update 11 below this one.


Apr 6, 2021


added an update

Explicit reading order (to read all of me, basically in release-date order):

To read all my writings, as I propose you do, let me be explicit: here is the order (with links): [ ( For a quick overview, and to build enthusiasm, read the UPDATE which is THREE BELOW this one. ) ]

[ The following one is optional (unless you are in AI/AGI): ]




added a research item

Publication Preview





Mar 28, 2021


added 2 project references

NOW the nearly complete collection of essays (RIGHT HERE) _BUT_ HERE ALSO SEE THE Comments (2) for a copy of some important more recent posts not in the Collection; include reading the 2 Replies to one of the Comments




Mar 24, 2021


added an update

Most "up-front", well-argued-for cognitive-development (ontogeny) view/approach (theory) in Psychology's History

The [ Project- ] associated Ethogram Theory is the most "up-front" , well-argued-for/justified, empirical theory in Psychology's History. It is a cognitive-development theory, good not only for Developmental Psychology, but for ALL Psychology (because the progressively unfolding cognitive/behavioral patterns and patterning, as Piaget would assert, make-up the "container" system for all significant behavior patterns (aka ALL "behavior")). BASIC perceptual shifts, at key points of cognitive advancement, are the true proximate causes/conditions of/for the stage-wise/levels-wise development (truly well-defined, actual hierarchical developments). Thus, it addresses the most significant ontogeny (and as occurring across domains). If someone reads all the associated writings, you will find NOT a single relevant aspect of SCIENCE is over-looked (plus MANY other poorer concepts (and associated 'models') are addressed to make contrasts). This theory has near-specific hypotheses (just "near-specific" ONLY because some discoveries must be made to make the hypotheses fully clear and specific -- NOT a weakness of theory, but an expected reality ; the "directions" for discoveries are clearly indicated). ALL CONCEPTS, and all hypotheses yielded, are empirical/testable/verifiable/falsifiable because ALL behavior PATTERNS outlined are founded/grounded IN OVERT BEHAVIOR PATTERNS (with at least their beginnings or inceptions associated with KEY, distinct OVERT B​E​H​A​V​I​


Mar 20, 2021


added an update

My final Crucial Question for the Behavioral Sciences (and Biology)

My Last Question for behavioral sciences : Psychology has to decide one of 2 ways : EITHER: (1) the Ethogram Theory of major cognitive developments with ontogeny is correct OR close to correct __OR__ (2) There is NO meaningful (OR assessable **) cognitive development in childhood (0 - 18+ yr old) . SO PICK: Is there ontogeny OR IS THERE NONE (_or_ it is hopeless to believe one will ever find evidence of it) CHOOSE !!

** Clarification: By assessable, I mean: much seemingly, or actually, moving towards/to DISCOVERING true proximate causes.

I have written essays most days for the last 5+ years and my first big paper was 1985 ( ) -- see associated Project and the Project Log there (Updates). Otherwise for more, perhaps, start with AND


Mar 7, 2021


added a research item

Publication Preview



Research Proposal

A KEY summary of my core science-of-psychology position -- the last 10 major essays (aka "Questions"), AND Answers. [ ( About "ADHERANCES" : I like this old word, with its spelling, which I use. Why? : "ence" is more of a "done thing" connotation-wise, whereas adherance with an "ance" is more of an abiding thing. ) ] For a brief over-view of Ethogram Theory and my perspective and approach, in addition to Final Clear Adherances (but MUCH BRIEFER), see :


Mar 5, 2021


added an update

Where it might be best to begin reading the Project-associated essays

Where it might be best to begin reading the essays associated with this Project

Where to recommend you begin? Perhaps, here: OR/and

one may start here :



Feb 28, 2021


added 2 project references

Where is the Trouble in Pseudo-empirical Research?


Why Psychology Cannot be an Empirical Science


Feb 28, 2021


added 2 research items

Publication Preview


More-Recent Essays of the Last Year -- not yet, until now, in a Collection (Also see Final Clear Adherances)


These are new writings of Brad Jesness since 2019 (i.e. spanning the period 2020 to February 2021). Available for Download from the "More" menu. Also see:


Feb 20, 2021


added an update

With the added new 94-page collection, the requested editor/co-author has more work

Even if you "don't believe" in stuff like mine, my work should be a tremendous example of what complete strict empirical grounding would be like. Also, you can see a view with complete internal consistency. Plus, you will never see more parsimony -- yet it ALL could be as I say. If necessary, you can get the good out of the writing even if you have to read it as science fiction (my writings would be a good exercise for any and all in Psychology ). _____________________ _____________________ Note to aspiring editors/co-authors:

[ THe work for an editor/co-author now includes the extra collection (an additional 94 pages). Reading ahead, reading (the first addendum), will give you an idea where all my thoughts end up (I did NOT put forth everything at the beginning, because I had not known or decided on everything). Yet, all the writings (all 1000 pages) are important aspects of the view and approaches and certainly needed for a good understanding. ALL is necessary for contrast with modern systems of understanding and needed for the explication of the new view, with its better assumptions. The idea and phrase of "lack of imagination for imagination" actually occurs in those words only in the last (with "absolutely last" in its name) addendum. Yet this carries much meaning a​b​


Feb 19, 2021


added a research item

Referral link FOR: "Essentially, all Recent Essays on Ethogram Theory" (2015-2019)


Simply GO TO:

Upload file

Jan 28, 2021


added an update

A Major short summary of the Perspective and what's accomplished with Ethogram Theory

For a Major short summary of the Perspective and what's accomplished with Ethogram Theory,


Be sure read the Question __AND__ the Answer.

Also see:


Jan 19, 2021


added an update

It seems a major sort of addition needs to be made to cognitive-developmental ontogeny theory (Ethogram Theory)

Re: It seems a major sort of addition needs to be made to cognitive-developmental ontogeny theory (Ethogram Theory)

I have been out just to describe the developing very early processing and all the later hierarchical developments and processing, yielding the development and the progressing of the [grand/always-important] "outer container" (cognition). These are the levels of/stages of cognitive abilities being most of, and what's central to, guiding behavior: cognition, representation, abstract concepts and thinking, and actions. I NOW do believe something more is involved than I have yet ever indicated (something I avoided). For years and for decades:

I almost perhaps incredulously spoke nothing of emotions. Now I do; BUT, reservedly: I want to "add-in" and speak of just of basic, early-on emotions that may be central to ALL cognitive development, per se: in particular it is those that are likely necessary to transfer a level of representation and thinking abilities from one domain (once established in an early domain) to another domain (this is sometimes known as transfer, sometimes as generalization -- neither which captures all that goes on with true hierarchical development with ontogeny).


Dec 17, 2020


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Publication Preview


Letter to the Editor


[ Please ALSO read the BOOK: "Essentially, all Recent Essays on Ethogram Theory", UNDER "Featured research" on my Profile page (this last mentioned BOOK/Collection should APPEAR with this Project, but does not make this "list of nine"). LINK to that: ] Now, About the Letter: I am writing to express concern about a lack of progress in using a classical ethological approach to studying behavior. This approach (as defined by Blur-ton Jones and Eibl-Ebesfeldt) has something unique to offer and is possibly the best way to further understanding of human behavior at this point in the history of psychology. Unfortunately, most ethologists seem to be engaging in research that has much in common with older research methods, like classical Freudian research or social psychology research. ... From: Ethology and Sociobiology 8: 163-165 (1986) ALSO SEE: The short essay "In Remembrance of Irenaus Eibl-Eibesfeldt"


Oct 2, 2020


added an update

You can be a big part of the advancement of Psychology as a true science


Even if you "don't believe" in stuff like mine, my work should be a tremendous example of what complete strict empirical grounding would be like. Also, you can see a view with complete internal consistency. Plus, you will never see more parsimony -- yet it ALL could be as I say. If necessary, you can get the good out of the writing even if you have to read it as science fiction (my writings would be a good exercise for any and all in Psychology ).



Note to aspiring editors/co-authors:

Reading ahead, reading (the first addendUM), will give you an i​



added an update

Let me suggest an Article for improving Experimental Psychology by another and then recommend my 2 Comments

First see and read

Chapter Experimental Psychology and Distortions of Common Sense

Read this main article and then read my 2 Comments to THAT Article. :

The Article is a Review by Experimental Psychologist rightly criticizing his field and see my responding 2 comments to that critique,

My 2 Comments, my critique to that Article is directly below that Article (or via the "Comments" link button on that same web page :

Chapter Experimental Psychology and Distortions of Common Sense


Jun 27, 2020


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Publication Preview


On Behind the MIrror by K. Lorenz


Review of Konrad Lorenz's book, Behind the Mirror (perhaps this will indicate some academic prowess and some ability I have to think) : -------- ---------- To "know" human ontogeny is to know the true (real-life) specific developments: formal types of stimuli-patterns AND the beginning behavior-pattern-responses AS true central aspects of responding and knowing them as in a true hierarchy of stages. True hierarchical develop not only uses [some] parts of previous responses and adaptations but adds something: something to see more and see differently than with the earlier previous ways of understanding, adaption and responding (and MOST often with some learning-a lot in the human); this is as Lorenz indicates. First some of my comments: something that GUIDES also has something added when an innate action pattern "emerges". But this is NEVER something we should suppose is an unknowable "a priori" OR ANY "a priori" thing that must be guessed at. ALL MAJOR ONES (of such , i.e. " priori's") must be addressed and that is through discoveries in direct observation of behavior patterns of actual children, undergoing actual development. Lorenz indicates no such developmental perspective, much less any specific knowledge, of such things. In the section 7.2, "The function of abstracting: perception", he seems to understand in qualitative terms the NATURE of that which begins the development of key cognitive functioning (and intelligent responding). In that section he speaks of "the faculty to transpose, to pass over all that is accidental to abstract that which is the essential characteristic of all perception mechanisms as such and forms the basis of the process of objectification." In fact, giving a more useful and most-useful scientific perspective [(and allowing an approach with testable (falsifiable/verifiable) hypotheses)], it is NOT 'objectification' that is yielded but the literal beginning inception of seeing more and seeing things in new ways. These indeed are "perceptual shifts", soon becoming perceptual/attentional shifts (congruent with what Lorenz hints at). These are subtle and not explicit (conscious) in any way in the child's thinking (when first "emerging") and VERY likely are only detectable using eye-tracking (and related technologies)-and possibly then only in the attentional phase. What is yielded (from the sort of thing Lorenz describes) is glancing at, or noting things not "seen" before or in any sort of focus of perception OR attention. This is the nature that eventually "makes for" seeing more kinds of similarities and differences within otherwise familiar circumstances. That which become perceptual/attentional shifts WOULD be detectable with the new eye-tracking as one observes children of a given age at a level or stage of transition-I have described all this thoroughly enough for one to formulate testable hypotheses-and I provide some hypotheses at least almost at this level of clarity.


Jun 27, 2020


added an update

Message of "mission critical" being put out to some "think-tanks"

Below is a message I am sending to some "think tanks".

[ Please, in addition, DO NOT FORGET THE EDITOR/CO-AUTHOR offer, 2 Updates BELOW this Update; this is a need I have for some involvement and cooperation from another. ]


Mission Critical

My main life's work (referred to below) is "done" (and has been for almost a year).  Nothing major will change; it is time for its fair close evaluation (and appreciation) NOW.

I do not think you should loose sight of this strict empirical view and approach to behavior [patterns] ; it is well-founded, well-ground, explicit, and ALL concepts have a notable CLEAR CONCRETE relationship to DIRECTLY OBSERVABLE KEY OVERT BEHAVIOR PATTERNS (at least at the INCEPTION of all major new ways of thinking (each qualitatively different, but hierarchical))  This is a BIOLOGY OF BEHAVIOR per se (of "just behavior").  It gives a wholly biological view and perspective on what is (what MUST


Apr 28, 2020


added an update

Two Recent Answers to "Can philosophy help to innovate and develop scientific theory?"

My 2 recent Answers (of April 27th and 28th, 2020) to the thread Question, "Can philosophy help to innovate and develop scientific theory?" may provide a quick overview and some slightest, but distinct, outline to the types of concept ... theory development I support and that I push for (and direct one to): . Looking back over 4 years of my critiques and criticisms of philosophy (in this same thread), one will find most of them not only negative, but very negative; thus only very recently have I decided that it is fair and reasonable and constructive and productive for me and others to see my writings as a type of modern scientific analytic philosophy. (All outlooks that might produce some "fans" for me -- AND possible editors/co-authors (see Project Log "Update", below) ARE WELCOME (certainly including good analytic philosophers); plus it is more than rightful that I give modern. good, well-prepared and well-knowledgeable analytic philosophers their due.

The address to the whole thread is , but it may be most useful to peruse for my Answers using the first link I gave (above). [(I do not provide all the essays from this thread in my collected works, but rather few or none of therm.)] Please follow me; please join me in this sort of good science enterprise.


Apr 13, 2020


added an update

Editor/Co-author of my Collected Writings (on behavioral science) Needed

Here is the formal write-up of the offer for an Editor/co-Author, plus with guiding links to the papers/book/essays : (Share with anyone appropriate and interested.)

Editor/Co-author of my Collected Essays (on behavioral science) Needed

I have approximately 900 pages of writings on new, more-empirical (actually: strictly empirical) perspectives on Psychology (esp. Developmental Psychology and General Psychology ) -- but relevant and important for Psychology in general . It is all about BEHAVIOR PATTERNS and a real science (natural science) of that patterning, and a patterning of those patterns, etc., AND, behaviorally speaking, THAT IS ALL -- i.e. outlining the possible discoveries necessary for a true and most-empirical behavioral science of BEHAVIOR PATTERNS ("just behaviors") PER SE; it is much related to classical ethology perspectives and research.  There is also an expressed greater hope for some new technologies being the "microscope" of Psychology (in particular: eye tracking and computer-assisted analysis) for good/closer/better observations; there are both phenomenologies outlined, describing the quite-possible situations THAT COULD COME TO BE OBSERVED and the associated behavior patterns, etc. [(always beginning (minimally, at their inception)  in the overt, directly observable)] therein more truly seen and fully discovered; AND, some detailed phenomenology is described t​h​a​t​


Mar 30, 2020


added an update

ANOTHER Overview of the Perspective

This most-quick and quite brief summary of my perspective seems worthy to be an Update in the Project Log of this Project:

I argue that at key junctures during ontogeny (child development) there are very, very important, and essentially basic, perceptual shifts quickly leading to the directing of attention to clear sets of things (though these, through the abilities of long-term memory, may "transcend" many or most of a large set of apparent particulars, i.e. transcending many , but never all, the particulars of the given, relevant, present objects in the space at hand -- though a "situation" where unusually much of a given space's content is less relevant ; this is also a "transcendence" of time, that is: simply just any given present-present, for full effects. (To most cognitive-developmentalists there are 5 qualitatively different stages during child development. ) Both time and space transcendence occur for the reason of shifting toward developing qualitatively different sorts of concepts and thought and this, at the same time, allows (seemingly ironically) for the concrete observable specifics behind abstraction and abstract thinking. There is concrete grounding in specifics, just not those necessarily ALL simply here and now (the "given" here and now before one's eyes). A good thing in my theory is that ALL is defined by a set of observable overt behavior patterns and overt o​b​s​e​r​v​



added an update

Re: The 3 addenda to "Essentially, all Recent Essays on Ethogram Theory"

Re: The 3 addenda to "Essentially, all Recent Essays on Ethogram Theory"

The three addenda to "Essentially, all Recent Essays on Ethogram Theory" (

Book "Essentially, all Recent Essays on Ethogram Theory" (2015-2019)

) \

are NOW available for VIEWING WITHOUT download (if you wish) at:


Feb 21, 2020


added an update

A quick but very interesting look into how Psychology (and ESPECIALLY Experimental Psychology) is gravely deficient

A quick but very interesting look into how Psychology (and ESPECIALLY Experimental Psychology) is gravely deficient: Read the Comment and ALL THE REPLIES (5+) UNDER THE COMMENT.:

Preprint The illusion of science in comparative cognition



Feb 19, 2020


added an update

A Question and Thread that points out a Notable Part of the Problem and a part of the Solution

A Question and Thread that points out a Notable Part of the Problem and a part of the Solution : (and does that much in the briefest possible way)


Feb 13, 2020


added an update

Who among you academics can read 1000 pages in a reasonably short period of time?

Who (which) of you academics can read 1000 pages in a reasonably short period of time?

Let me share a bit about the "old me", not back very far in time:

About 4-5 years back I read at least 1000 pages every two weeks and did that for 6 months+ in a row, AND I comprehensively, thoroughly and accurately SUMMARIZED IT ALL (pretty much at the same time, of course). For the evidence, see: (let that stand as a testament for me). Also, let the writings I have put up on RG speak for me.

Now, about you, my dear readers and followers: when can I expect you will have read MY (provided) mere ONE thousand pages of writings (all of it related, each writing to every other; ALL of it on ResearchGate) ?

This has been provided for your benefit, if you want to be psychology SCIENCE people (behavioral scientists). It both gives Psychology back what it has almost thoroughly lost (Piaget and classical ethology) and provides needed new perspectives and approaches (all going forward ALWAYS with empiricism as strict as any science). S​o​u​n​d​



added an update

All References Under the "Prescription for Psychology ..." Project are all relevant HERE for this Project as well

References Under the "Prescription for Psychology ..." Project are all relevant HERE for this Project as well. I simply cite the most pointed reference here, but do check out that other Project



added an update

At this point I will wait for a sign that you can "handle" it. I have provided sufficient guidance to the 1000 pages of essays, doing all I can

Yes, gentle-persons, At this point I will wait for a sign that you can "handle" it. I have provided sufficient guidance to the 1000 pages of essays, doing all I can. Final Discussion:

At this point I will wait for a sign that you can "handle" it. I have provided sufficient guidance to the 1000 pages of essays, doing all can. You may put questions here (under this Discussion), and IFF I feel there some clear indication that you have tried as you should and as you might, I might try (or try again) to provide guidance. BUT, at the very least: FINISH EVERYTHING FIRST. Lastly, for now: the key essential HINTS:


Count on the SUBJECT MATTER (JUST count ON all observations OR QUITE POSSIBLE OBSERVATIONS) for ALL PERSPECTIVE, ETC. AND FOR any further perspective or understandings needed, at this point, and for _____ALL____ fundamental understandings -- including FOR THE DEFINITIONS OF EVERYTHING: terms, perspective, concept-terms or ANY hint of a "model".


Jan 14, 2020


added an update

Anxious to get "the ball rolling", I offer possible fame if one be my editor and fortune if one defeats me

Anxious to get "the ball rolling", I offer possible fame if one be my editor and fortune if one defeats me. (So one way or another: a studious one should not lose.) The details can be found via this link to a Discussion .