Jan 14, 2020


added an update

Anxious to get "the ball rolling", I offer possible fame if one be my editor and fortune if one defeats me

Anxious to get "the ball rolling", I offer possible fame if one be my editor and fortune if one defeats me. (So one way or another: a studious one should not lose.) The details can be found via this link to a Discussion .

https://www.researchgate.net/post/Editor_Co-author_of_my_Collected_Essays_on_behavioral_science_Needed_its_on_ethology_ontogeny_developmental_psychology_and_general_psychology ,

and my "Answer" posts under the Question,




added an update

Absolutely the very last Addendum to the BOOK, "Essentially, all Recent Essays on Ethogram Theory"

Absolutely the very last Addendum to the BOOK, "Essentially, all Recent Essays on Ethogram Theory" has the pdf name Absol_the_last_addendum_TO_BOOK.pdf Like the other 2 addenda to this BOOK, it is under "Linked Data". A direct link to the "Essentially, all Recent Essays on Ethogram Theory" BOOK is :

Book "Essentially, all Recent Essays on Ethogram Theory" (2015-2019)

And then look for the "Linked Data" associated with that BOOK and, in particular, for: Absol_the_last_addendum_TO_BOOK.pdf .

For the other 2 addenda to the BOOK (also under the "Linked Data"), see: paradigmShiftFinal.pdf and finalfinal3-converted.pdf

(these where the first and second addenda, respectively; the new one, just noted is the third and final Addendum)


Jan 7, 2020


added an update

More Science Reasons to want to Investigate the perspective of my writings

More Science Reasons to want to Investigate the perspective of my writings (these ARE in ADDITION to reasons in the Project Details of this Project):

Adding to the merits claimed for the papers, one must add the following (these may be even more important):


Only this developmental psychology theory (ethology) credibly integrates 'innate factors' & 'learning' so BOTH simultaneously have effect. All the BEST other developmental psychology theories do is talk about 'learning' involved & talk about 'innate' involved & do so separately, back & forth repeatedly. PLUS: This ethological cognitive-developmental psyc. THEORY (innate/learned) does it with absolutely the most empirical (grounded-in-observable) approach possible. Again, it only recently has become totally possible to verify the hypotheses.


These papers outline the overtly observable foundations for levels of abstraction; though


Jan 3, 2020


added an update

Editor/Co-author of my Collected Essays (on behavioral science) Needed

Editor/Co-author of my Collected Essays (on behavioral science) Needed

I have approximately 1000 pages of essays on new, more-empirical perspectives for Psychology (esp. General Psychology and Developmental Psychology -- but relevant and important for Psychology in general). It is all about BEHAVIOR PATTERNS (and associated "environmental" aspects, these _OFTEN_ broadly conceived) and a science of finding the further behavior patterning therein, and a patterning of those patterns, etc.; AND THAT IS ALL : In other words, the writings outline the discoveries likely possible and necessary for a true and full behavioral science of BEHAVIOR PATTERNS ("just behaviors") PER SE ("behaviors" then seen, as must be the case, as aspects of Biology (adaptation) unto themselves); it is much related to classical ethology perspectives and research. RELATED TO ALL THIS: There is an expressed great hope for some technology being the "microscope" of Psychology for good/closer/better and/or NEW observations; there are likely sets of adaptive behavior patternings and associated environmental aspects within quite-possible, if not VERY likely, SETS of situations (with the important "environmental" aspects/circumstances there, BUT the KEY environmental aspects will also be across KEY related/in-some-ways-similar -- and memorable -- circumstances). This is how/where related behavior patterns COULD C​O​M​



added an update

An addition to THE INVENTION OF SCIENCE (a very interesting rather new book)

The perspective and approach I put forward and try to explain, justify and promote is like an extra chapter to David Wootton's EXTREMELY interesting book, The Invention of Science; one should see parallels in that book with Psychology of today.   Today's psychologists presume and "assume" that what they see as "the environment" (right before their eyes, at any serious moment) is exactly the environment available ("there", present)  for any developing Subject; especially important here is the idea that all pertinent environmental aspects that are or can be "operative" for any learning and development, including DURING ONTOGENY,  are basically RIGHT BEFORE THEIR (the researchers') EYES; AND, essentially similar relevant aspects of "the environment" (as such) are all that is involved (all that is "there") with (and for) learning and development. There  is a grave problem with this.  The problem is in opposition to the likely nature of the Memories and how they can likely come to be used during ontogeny.

By a certain point (level/stage) in ontogeny, the developing organism (for now, just think: human) actually compares and contrasts aspects across times and across various sets of circumstances.  And this is NOT all or always OR in any way "right before one's eyes" (these being the eyes of the adult researcher).  What, to me, is the FACT that we can and do do compare and contrast (and distinguish) aspects A​C​R​O​S​S​/​B​E​T​


Nov 19, 2019


added an update

Thread for perspective

Thread for perspective

Here is a Question AND a thread of Answers which may provide a quick, brief, partial, but key perspective: https://www.researchgate.net/post/Wouldnt_experimental_psychology_lab_setting_necessarily_bias_us_AGAINST_seeing_some_SKILLS_available_against_thinking_of_multiple_circumstances

[ SEE also the Update two down for also-related studies (these, on the sensitivity or eye tracking for mental processing). ]


Nov 7, 2019


added an update

Also check the OTHER related Project (the AI Project -- actually much related to this one)

Significant new perspectives on the same aspects of development and learning may also be found in the "Developing a Usable Empirically-Based Outline of Human Behavior for FULL Artificial Intelligence (and for Psychology)" PROJECT. The artificial general intelligence people seem notably more focused on the same basic information as is HERE in this Project, though the view and approach is a foundational perspective and paradigm for Psychology !! (This may well also account for the fact that the "Information-Processing" paper is read about 1.6+ times as often as the KEY "Human Ethogram ... " paper.)



added an update

Some recent eye tracking data indicates its special sensitivity to cognitive events, otherwise not seeable

Some recent eye tracking data indicates its special sensitivity to cognitive events, otherwise not seeable . This is important research to note, because just such sensitivity to cognitively related eye movements is central to test hypotheses I have laid out. SEE, for example:

"Eye gaze patterns reveal how reasoning skills improve with experience"


Article Eye gaze patterns reveal how reasoning skills improve with experience



"Anticipating a future versus integrating a recent event? Evidence from eyetracking"


Article Anticipating a future versus integrating a recent event? Evi...


( <-- The authors sent me a copy of the Article, on request.)



added an update

As if anyone would want more: added: the very, very most recent Essays

As if anyone would want more: added: the very, very most recent Essays IN:

Another Linked Data: finalfinal3-converted.pdf These are AFTER (i.e. are later essays) than the last supplemental (additional set) known as paradigmShiftFinal.pdf This new addition set can be found as a second Linked Data, under the BOOK, "Essentially, all Recent Essays on Ethogram Theory" (

Book "Essentially, all Recent Essays on Ethogram Theory" (2015-2019)

) -- it shows at the top of the list when "Linked Data" is clicked (most recent first) (Linked Data #1, the second most-recent addition to the Collection is paradigmShiftFinal.pdf ).



added a research item

Publication Preview




NOTE: Read the main BOOK first, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/329428629_Essentially_all_Recent_Essays_on_Ethogram_Theory THEN, read the following for the IMPORTANT ADDENDA: Know that paradigmShiftFinal.pdf is a "Linked Data" under the BOOK (noted, above)(now, 1 of 3 of the final collected sets of my later writings, here on Researchgate) -- making it clear that all my writings are related AND, as a whole, present a complete coherent SYSTEM that provides/IS a PARADIGM SHIFT for General and Developmental Psychology. See: paradigmShiftFinal.pdf for the first of the additional sets these "later essays" (somewhere in the RG "muddle" below) -- these essays viewable (at least via download): it is a pdf. Similarly, you can get through to the same sort of "muddle" to get to the other 2 addenda. ___BUT__, *** ___NOTE___ *** : NOW , copies OF ALL THREE IMPORTANT ADDENDA are available for VIEWING WITHOUT DOWNLOAD (OR Download, if you wish) at: http://mynichecomp.com/key_content/paradigmShiftFinal.pdf ; the others, likewise, at: http://mynichecomp.com/key_content/finalfinal3-converted.pdf and http://mynichecomp.com/key_content/Absol_the_last_addendum_TO_BOOK.pdf ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finally, to see the last 6 months of my Q and my A posts see : https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Brad_Jesness2/questions and https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Brad_Jesness2/answers, (here, in those lists of QUESTIONS and (separately) ANSWERS they are latest first, but you may go down the list and find the January 2020 posts and work up from there -- to keep the earlier-to-last chronology (like in the Recent Essays and Addenda) "going".


Oct 8, 2019


added an update

STILL: Looking for lead/head Collaborator to do the needed empirical research

STILL: Looking for lead/head Collaborator to do the needed empirical research (very likely involving eye-tracking and computer assisted analysis of behavior patterns). Reading some of the rest of the Project Log (aka "Updates") and/or some References, and the Project Overview description should make it clear what sort of leader is need (a head leader), doing what.


Sep 20, 2019


added an update

Others see the many types of abstract concepts and how they are situationally-based (circumstances-based) in several very different ways, and these ways are qualitatively different.

Others see the many types of abstract concepts and how they are situationally-based (circumstances-based) in several very different ways, and these ways are qualitatively different. A very good example of a paper that describes all this is:

Situational systematicity: A role for schema in understanding the differences between abstract and concrete concepts


PreprintSituational systematicity: A role for schema in understandin...


With the many varied bases for abstract concepts, it should quickly occur to some that this does not happen happenstancally NOR are there a series of super-wise teacher-engineers implementing all these possibilities (which I see as realities) into the development of the natures of abstraction. It is ontogeny, true hierarchical stages/levels (throughout childhood, 0 - 18 yr. old, minimally) which allow for new possibilities for thinking, which allow for all these sorts of abstraction. [ A true hierarchical development involves: there being the Subject seeing NEW THINGS (whatever the nature of such 'things' need be); in short, in a major sense hierarchical development i​n​v​o​l​



added an update

General Orientation and Overview

Surprisingly a general orientation and overview of this Ethogram Theory Project can (in addition to other writings and Updates here) be provided by the Update to my AI Project, made by ME TODAY (9-9-2019) (ignore the new References -- they are not "Updates" (though both are in the Project Log)).

Here is the address of the AI Project, where you can find the recent Update of 9-19-2019 and read that for one (another) overview of Ethogram Theory's outlook on Human Development:




added a project reference

Situational systematicity: A role for schema in understanding the differences between abstract and concrete concepts


Sep 18, 2019


added an update

Good Empiricism only from a full-fledged BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE (behavior patterns per se and "just" that for ALL grounding): a new rightful behaviorism

Behavior PATTERNS will show a full biological order, beyond that which we can "otherwise" conceive -- AND, no matter what we do (as well). ONE MUST EXPECT: Behavior patterns are a complete, cogent, coherent true full aspect of Biology : a point of view rarely attempted recently (because of a lot of truly bad history), but now (with technology) with new possibilities. Behavior patterns will well-explain the constituent behaviors and other behavior patterns (inter-patterning, if you like). So behavior itself, plus regard for the Memories (which is regard for EXPERIENCE ITSELF, i.e USE OF patterning of past behavior-patterns-in-environmental circumstances (in a broad sense)), will explain ALL.

Like classical ethology: behavior patterns literally, basically circumscribing (AKA DEFINING) behavior patterns.

I will not repeat what I wrote elsewhere but just give you a link:



Sep 5, 2019


added an update

Project Description Elaboration and Note to all my "Followers" : I have reached my Following Limit

The second "bullet point" _under the phrase "Ethogram Theory is about: ", of the Project Description, has

been elaborated and updated to read:

" AS the 'biology of behavior' (which is what ethology is (Eibl-Ebesfeldt,'75)), one can make very a useful, strong case for the application of the basic Principles of BIOLOGY to behavioral patterns (e.g. homeostasis), and I do in the papers. By "biology of behavior", I am referring to the patterning (and inter-patterning) OF BEHAVIORS PER SE : I very much believe that not only can _THAT_ be a good and real science, but it is hard to imagine that behavior patterns could otherwise be well-understood : Behavior patterns, being that which in-good-part define composite behaviors AND related behavior patterns. "

Note to all my "Followers" : I would follow you back, if I had not reached my Following Limit.



added an update

Seeing 'things' anew can be seeing "new things" -- and sometimes be such as that during stage shifts

The natural development of the Memories (integration, consolidation, generalization), THEN major changes are impelled, IN _THAT_ FINAL PREPARED CONTEXT, MAINLY by what literally is OR has the status of perceptual shifts:  you immediately start seeing new concrete aspects of situations (new things) and/OR you see-anew concrete * aspects (THUS: new 'things' or sets of things, also 'things') in an entirely new context; _EITHER involve new gazing and looking (as the concrete manifestation in behavior patterns).  (This new perception naturally results in, i.e. moves to, attending to these very (exact) new things (new or, equivalently, things in a holistically new context) and THEN new learnings going from there.) With either sort is a perceptual shift -- and it "just happens" when the organism is prepared.  (So:  seeing  old concrete aspects anew is just as dramatic as seeing completely new elements/objects in situations, in effect.  But know that seeing completely new concrete aspects is a possibility that must not be ruled out, at least in some "applications" of the new sort of "template".) These perceptual shifts ARE the inception of each new stage of cognitive development, there being at least 5 of these stages in human child development (ontogeny), and those with phases (some major current theorist/researchers say 2 major phases per stage).  In any case, "the purpose" and result is new abstract thinking abilities (grounded empirically as indicated A​



added an update

IMPORTANT REALITY: ANYTHING "BIG" regarding my theory and hypotheses IS up to YOU; I shall tell you why that is and why I shall be very largely of no further use

I want readers to know that I will not ever be in the position to test my theory's hypotheses (because I neither have, nor EVER will have, the necessary tools or facilities), __NOR__ AM I in the position to significantly further the view. [ The latter quite possibly being the much more important "reality". ]

I shall try to explain why (and how I know this):

Over the last three years I have presented the very-well-connected views I had when I was younger [(various parts of the system (of sub-views, if you like))], "triggered off" by the various contents of OTHERS' ESSAYS in the theory and research literature and here on RG. I literally just presented the various related views AS I RECALLED THEM (I once indicated in some essays that I was simply "channeling" my younger self -- and now I completely know that was really true and thus these "channeled" essays were/are better essays than ANY really NEW ones I could create now (coming from what WAS, and for others now IS, "my system")). I have suspected that regarding the entire system, which IS there -- in old papers and the 3-years of recent essays -- for you to see (fully conceptualize): I no longer can hold in-mind a full good conceptualization (with all the major ramifications) of this theory even though it is of my own. Let me present s​


May 24, 2019


added an update

Preface to the longer essay in the Update below

Preface to the longer essay in the Update below

Preface to the new and possibly useful summary (in the second-to-the-last Update below), of at least much, maybe most, of my "system" : (This may seem redundant in many parts, but I think it provides a little more perspective, and perhaps allows you to always keep the most important aspects of the "system" in-mind.):

The new, in some ways better, summary of my "system" (in the 2nd-down Update below) shows the biological nature of changes (via associative learning, the characteristics of the Memories, perceptual shifts coming hierarchically [(when the Memories, including processing, are clearly "ready" and based on refined, etc. earlier developments and changes via learnings)]) -- and these "perceptual shifts" obviously affecting the TYPE of learning using/having the FORM of associative learning; AND, while affecting the Memories more greatly than the usual processes (yet always still having associative learnings centrally involved), the Memories do not in some key ways alter in some fundamental nature, BUT rather alter their "nature-with-content".

To say it again, with perhaps a bit of a little "twist": Always, as "appropriate", happening : integration and consolidation and differentiation factors (again, only t​h​r​o​u​g​



added an update

STILL: Looking for lead/head Collaborator to do the needed empirical research

STILL: Looking for lead/head Collaborator to do the needed empirical research (very likely involving eye-tracking and computer assisted analysis of behavior patterns). Here is a post (Question) which may clarify what is needed: https://www.researchgate.net/post/Have_Technologies_in_the_role_of_a_MICROSCOPE_for_psychology_been_developed_which_can_now_be_used_to_investigate_important_observational_specifics (Please try to ignore the spam "Answers" from someone else below the Question and below my top 2 Answers.)

Also, of course, see the last Update, which is an obviously important outline.



added an update

Shortest Possible Overview of what this Project and all connected BOOKS and Articles are about

First, Think about it: Isn't grounding all interactions (& our understanding of particular interaction) best done by better understanding the Memories AS (being) EXPERIENCE ITSELF? I see this as one of the 2 consistent common groundings for properly coming to an understanding of concepts we come to have as a being, and this includes the development of not just bare simple concepts, but even the development of contingent SETS of such concepts, AND it includes that which come of the developed and developing Memories which allows for abstract thinking -- abstract concepts and abstract processing. Let me elaborate on this first type of thing:

By the definitions of the Memories (our basic types of memory, all rather well defined by EXISTING research already), there is no way not to see EXPERIENCE as the operation of the Memories themselves (and THAT is EXPERIENCE ITSELF, literally true BY THE DEFINITIONS in modern perspectives and research). AND, CONCEPTS MUST BE ALL BASED ON THIS. Thus as experiences "grow" and as application of our concepts (defined by interaction with environments: social and/or otherwise, linguistic and/or otherwise) become (to the extent that they can) more widely seen as relevant and applied, this simply occurs by way of the simple forms of associative learning (the definition of such FORMS something that can be well agreed on); NOTE: A​



added an update

Most recent set of collected essays (and the final ones)

The most recent set of collected essays (and the final ones)

Book "Essentially, all Recent Essays on Ethogram Theory" (2015-2019)

-- also found identically at

Book NOW the nearly complete collection of essays (RIGHT HERE) _B...

and then also see the "Linked Data" (in either case) for an additional FINAL 100 pages of collected essays.



added an update

Psychology Project, at the top

I would like to keep my Psychology Project at the top of the Listing or my Projects because it is really the basis of the other Projects, as well as the basis of good, real (best-empirical) behavioral science.


Apr 28, 2019


added an update

FINALLY _A_ Paradigm to Raise Psychology from a Preparadigmatic State (the latter, associated with NON-science) [ ALL real, well-founded, most-empirical Psychology HERE. ]

This Project, with its set of References (Articles and BOOKS, & Updates) may be formally considered a full-fledged PARADIGM (FINALLY, _A_ paradigm to raise Psychology from a preparadigmatic (and pre-science) state, especially General Psychology and Developmental Psychology): Better assumptions; stricter & better empiricism; better foundations for all cognitive processes; clear NEW observations sought (i.e. major discoveries sought) VIA NEW observation methods; & with clear empirical verifiable/falsifiable HYPOTHESES.



added an update

The end of the nature/nurture dualism and several others (through better empiricism -- direct observable overt behavior patterns for the foundation of EVERYTHING)

I have described the "higher" innate guidances which occur during the ontogeny of the human (ages 2 - 18+ yr. old). It is basically a neo-Piagetian theory that COMPLETES Piaget's theory in the most major ways needed (well recognized as big holes in his theory by Piaget himself: an account for Equilibration Type 2 (the balance between stages -- to switch or not to switch, to put it crudely), which he accounted for ONLY by saying : the stage shifts occur "with maturation". He knew this 'explanation' to be grossly inadequate (in good part explaining why his last book was on equilibration).

What that-which-yields-stage-switches may be (and likely are) and what they are likely like in their nature (because of what may be effective and very integrated and integrable, YET effective for the development of higher concepts and higher thinking) is periodic timely "perceptual shifts", leading soon to perceptual/attentional shifts (and to the development of our "higher" concepts, etc). As simple as this, IN THE CONTEXT OF THE WORKINGS OF OUR MEMORIES AND THEN IN THE CONTEXT OF WORKING MEMORY (in the appropriate environmental circumstances/aspects), suffices and is FAR more helpful than limiting -- it INCREASES LEARNING, rather than significantly limiting it in any way (one of several stereotypes broken by the perspective -- not to mention the complete elimination of the nature/nurture problem).



added an update

STILL: Looking for lead/head Collaborator to do the needed empirical research likely involving modern technologies

STILL: Looking for lead/head Collaborator to do the needed empirical research (very likely involving eye-tracking and computer assisted analysis of behavior patterns). Here is a post (Question) which may clarify what is needed: https://www.researchgate.net/post/Have_Technologies_in_the_role_of_a_MICROSCOPE_for_psychology_been_developed_which_can_now_be_used_to_investigate_important_observational_specifics (Please try to ignore the spam "Answers" from someone else below the Question and below my top 2 Answers.



added an update

What is offered here Is INDEED THE BASIS OF/FOR A PARADIGM SHIFT in General and Developmental Psychology

OFFERED HERE: a full-fledged paradigm shift for General Psychology and Developmental Psychology. The paradigm shift provides: (1) new, better-justified (more-likely-true) ASSUMPTIONS; (2) NEW OBSERVATIONS SOUGHT (to be made) AND (3) NEW WAYS to make those observations; (4) new standards for good, real empiricism and (5) new, unique (and wonderful-if-true) testable (verifiable/falsifiable) HYPOTHESES -- of GREAT consequence if true . This paradigm shift (which more than satisfies Kuhn's criteria) is provided via the Project on Ethogram Theory and all the References -- major papers and the BOOK -- and other material notes or links noted via the Project Log (aka Updates). Here is a link to the Project and, below that, find the 2 links to the major writings (all related and over 700 pages long). First the Project link: https://www.researchgate.net/project/Human-Ethology-and-Development-Ethogram-Theory-A-Full-Fledged-Paradigm-Shift-for-PSYCHOLOGY and now the links to the MAJOR References:

ArticleA Human Ethogram: Its Scientific Acceptability and Importanc...


Book"Essentially, all Recent Essays on Ethogram Theory" (2015-2019)


Mar 21, 2019


added an update

A Paradigm Shift (full and real and fully empirical, literally to the extent possible, and VERY likely to the extent needed)

This Project, with its set of References (Articles and BOOKS, & Updates (see Project Log)) may be formally considered a full-fledged PARADIGM SHIFT: a set of related changes for General and Developmental Psychology, having: Better basic core assumptions (foundational and consistent with clear, truly empirical groundings for everything, "down to" each and EVERY concept or construct); it is a stricter, clear & better empiricism, always; better foundations for ALL cognitive processes (always minimally including grounding in some directly observable overt phenomena at KEY TIMES); clear, unique, MAJOR NEW observations are sought VIA NEW observation methods; and NEW, clear, empirical, verifiable/falsifiable HYPOTHESES are presented.

AND, THE CONCRETE EMPIRICAL BASES OF ABSTRACT THOUGHT ARE CLEARLY OUTLINED (these bases being distinctly and directly observable overt phenomena, present at KEY TIMES -- and with distinct effects reliably showing in some current and continuing (and developing) major cognitive phenomenon, always).


Feb 26, 2019


added an update

STILL: Looking for lead/head Collaborator to do the needed empirical research (very likely involving eye-tracking and computer assisted analysis of behavior)

STILL: Looking for lead/head Collaborator to do the needed empirical research (very likely involving eye-tracking and computer assisted analysis of behavior patterns). Here is a post (Question) which may clarify what is needed: https://www.researchgate.net/post/Have_Technologies_in_the_role_of_a_MICROSCOPE_for_psychology_been_developed_which_can_now_be_used_to_investigate_important_observational_specifics (Please try to ignore the spam "Answers" below the Question and below my top 2 Answers, from someone else.


Feb 12, 2019


added an update

The Concrete (EMPIRICAL) beginnings of Abstract Concepts and Abstract thinking ; then: A General Definition of Science

The Concrete (EMPIRICAL) beginnings of Abstract Concepts and Abstract thinking ; then: A General Definition of Science

Some say: "Numbers are conceptual constructions and hence they are not observables. " (end quote) Non sequitur. A heck of a lot of conceptual constructions are clearly and obviously concrete or concretely based AND it is simply by not being an empiricist AND BY using insufficient imagination that one can fail to imagine (OR, as an empiricist, ASSUME) that ALL concepts and related thinking, AT LEAST AT THEIR INCEPTION, are relate to (founded on) observable elements of concrete situations or circumstances. The problem: There simply seems to be a falsely conceptualized limit on/in what many people can believe can be "brought forth" from the Memories and through working memory; I say there is no reason not to believe it is enough for one circumstance, as actually processed, to be, in effect, like it is two or three, etc. circumstances, and with these circumstances possibly seeming to be very different:

BUT IT IS JUST --> ONE CIRCUMSTANCE (and ANY new parts being CONCRETE *) <-- , CONTEXTUALIZED BY the well-developed Memories (phenomenologically). Looking into what may be involved here might make you start to believe as I do, about the concrete beginnings of abstract concepts. BUT, I do happen to believe there is m​o​r​


Feb 5, 2019


added a project reference

"Essentially, all Recent Essays on Ethogram Theory" (2015-2019)


Feb 5, 2019


added an update

Finding "perceptual shifts" (perceptual/attentional)

Finding "perceptual shifts" (perceptual/attentional)

It probably has seemed quite a problem imagining where, when, and what "perceptual shifts" (<-- eventually: perceptual/attentional) occur. One thing that may help a lot may involve devising an AI-computer method of finding the appropriate "gaps"/"slots" for finding more and using what's found -- thus then, when that works, also appropriately indicating the "how". The perceptual shifts involve "bothering" to see more things (important things) that sometimes occur in important circumstance(s) -- types of things not processed as such before. It is like seeing more in such given important circumstance(s) , and with that the potential for seeing more broadly, more abstractly -- i.e. in terms of more rarefied TYPES of related concrete elements BOTH in and across circumstances). Now, humans would do this selectively and likely often find the utility in this innately-guided "looking" for more, phenomenologically, after finding a "gap" both in mind-space (working memory, etc.) and in the whole "scene" of the environmental circumstance(s). An AI computer could just notice ALL distinct, sometimes occurring phenomenon in a circumstance (or set of similar circumstances) MUCH LESS SELECTIVELY -- and seeing which elements of those sort of things are predictive and "good for something" * (then, of course, keeping those (storing them and p​


Jan 14, 2019


added an update

Major knowledge possible through this new outlook (and some notes about a few more recent posts since "Essentially, all Recent Essays on Ethogram Theory")

Ethogram Theory is THE way to put time and put space into the very nascent foundation of the beginning of higher-level concepts when/as needed. [ See other Updates and writings (References) -- to become totally clear on HOW THIS IS. ]

Ethogram Theory is the only way to understand personal phenomenological time and space as part of major concepts -- because, at its base, it relies on the memories AS THEY ARE (including visual-spacial memory, as a BIG one). Is anything else (that does not do this) even remotely acceptable?

If it is not abundantly clear that my stages/levels (in "A Human Ethogram ... " and later much more explicated and elaborated on, including clear testable hypotheses) DO have to do with abstraction (abstract thinking, common meaning) THEN you may do well to read some of the posts made after "Essentially, all Recent Essays on Ethogram Theory" . There are not many of them, but in some instances, may be of help.


Dec 22, 2018


added an update

The Big Overall Picture

In the extensive essays on Ethogram Theory there is noting [in a sense] of the sufficiency of the simple types of associative learnings, for progress in what is known (for learning in-general); there is also a briefly outlined a proposal for using the language of classical ethology for the proper classification of real types of [species-specific and species-typical] behavior patterns and patterns that develop DURING ONTOGENY (child development). But, all this is a tiny fraction of what Ethogram Theory involves. The two by far most-major aspects of Ethogram Theory are: (it is a cognitive-developmental Psychology theory):

(1) The very likely empirical and concrete inceptions (directly observable overt behavior patterns and pattern changes of the organism) to BEGIN what amounts to greater abstract thinking: these I refer to as "perceptual/attentional shifts" (not under what anyone would or could consider conscious control NOR in any significant way determined in their key basic nature by any conscious activity). Inherently-related things DO though become conscious in the third or fourth phases of the "unfolding" of the new behavior pattern, which may occur relatively quickly -- but, this is innately guided behavior influencing real behavior patterns, WITHIN the new aspects of all new behavioral patterning. Further development will occur before these new-found things


Dec 14, 2018


added an update

A Good Brief Overview

Possibly a good overview:



Dec 5, 2018


added a research item

Publication Preview


"Essentially, all Recent Essays on Ethogram Theory" (2015-2019)


[ This new version/edition (not counting the addenda) was first put up 12/05/2018. The addenda bring the publishing date to a year later. The formerly "NOW the nearly complete collection of essays ..." was about equivalent to this present version. Many people click links that get them to this "old" one -- so much so that the old one has many more "hits"; AND, it still gets hits because it is linked to in the collections (both versions) and thus, for obvious reasons, the old one has been updated to be the IDENTICAL collection AS THIS ONE. ] *** ALSO ***, IN ADDITION : SEE THE 'LINKED DATA' FOR THE ACTUAL LAST _COLLECTED_ 200+ PAGES OF ESSAYS (in three parts). These 3 addenda now available for viewing, without download (see Comment #7 "below" THIS abstract).] ALL the major essays other than the major foundational papers, "A Human Ethogram .... " and "Information-Processing Theory and Perspectives ...", _INCLUDE_ THE COLLECTED (aka "Recent") ESSAYS" and the _100s of PAGES OF ADDITIONAL ESSAYS_ , just noted. Another major feature of this collection is that other various shorter papers are all collected and put in this document. Thus, one might call this "Essentially, all Recent Essays on Ethogram Theory" and I did. [ READ online OR DOWNLOAD THE PDF VERSION. ] NOTE: This put-together collection which, in parts, were essays as Answers to Questions, were put together over and over, as I posted more and periodically collected more of the additional essays from my ResearchGate Answers for the collection. Getting the Answers, with essays in them, that were spread out, was difficult -- and I would not want to put you through that (and have made it so you don't have to; they're HERE ). [ NOTE: Again, the BODY of this BOOK is NOW identical to what is listed as "NOW the nearly complete collection of essays (RIGHT HERE: ... " : https://www.researchgate.net/publication/322818578_NOW_the_nearly_complete_collection_of_essays_RIGHT_HERE_BUT_STILL_ALSO_SEE_THE_Comments_2_for_a_copy_of_some_important_more_recent_posts_not_in_the_Collection_include_reading_the_2_Replies_to_one_of_t . YET you STILL may want to SEE THE Comments (2) UNDER THAT OLD VERSION for a copy of some important more recent posts that maybe are not so readily found in this "Essentially all ... "; include reading the 2 Replies to one of the Comments, one way or another. ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ The paper, here described, IS both A NECESSARY FOLLOW-UP TO THE "Human Ethogram" paper, contextualizing many things, specifying many (especially noteworthy: specifying hypotheses clearly, so the work can be done and these hypotheses verified (or not)); the essays provide specific critiques and this does much to support or justify AND FLUSH OUT the new perspective and approach (and its many ramifications). ] This new edition of the COLLECTION (new BOOK) comprises a 511-page "BOOK" and is all very much associated with the content of my main 160-page Human Ethogram paper, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/286920820_A_Human_Ethogram_Its_Scientific_Acceptability_and_Importance_now_NEW_because_new_technology_allows_investigation_of_the_hypotheses_an_early_MUST_READ , (this long, main paper should be read sometime when you are reading the related essays or before). ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_ Additional sources that, along with sources noted above, get you to nearly ALL my writings: Major Project References and Project Log ("Updates") And now, with these Recent Essays and the THREE sets of "Linked Data", will get you more than ever before (start with paradigmShiftFinal.pdf ). In fact: only Posts (Questions and Answers) posted after January 8, 2020 will not be included and one can get to those by Clicking my Profile Link, then the Research Link there, and then find (in the left column) Questions and Answers [ Also see: https://www.researchgate.net/post/It_seems_a_major_sort_of_addition_needs_to_be_made_to_cognitive-developmental_ontogeny_theory_Ethogram_Theory ]


Nov 28, 2018


added an update

How do you "handle" that which is "abstract"? (Are you an empiricist?)

How you view and approach understanding (and, preferably, discovering) that which is abstract often clearly shows whether you are really an empiricist (or, for that matter, a scientist) OR NOT: See: myComment to

ArticleThe Challenge of Abstract Concepts

for more.

DO not forget the last Update: "Essentially, all Recent Essays on Ethogram Theory" :

Its Abstract: ALL major essays other than the major foundational papers, "A Human Ethogram .... " and "Information-Processing Theory and Perspectives ...", _INCLUDING_ THE COLLECTED ESSAYS, BUT THEN ALSO INCLUDING _ABOUT 200 PAGES OF ADDITIONAL ESSAYS_. Thus, One might call this "Essentially, all Recent Essays on Ethogram Theory" [ READ online OR DOWNLOAD THE PDF VERSION. ] NOTE: There were 2 sets of some of the same content. One set of the repeated contents was deleted. ( There may be a few more scattered repeats, but hopefully that is justified by additional, different replies found below them. ) I am sorry if there are any needless repeats; putting this collection together in parts over and over (as I periodically collected m​



added an update

Most of my essays (Q and A) available now DIRECTLY through links

See this Project's other recent UPDATE (Log Entry) (and Attachments under this second-most-recent Update, directly below) to get the last portions of my essays, so you have a full set of all my essays.

Most-notably included among my writings for this Project are my 2 large papers, the shorter papers IN THIS PROJECT, the "BOOK" , _AND_ the then the attachment links provided in the second-to-the-last PROJECT Update (chose which OF the 2 sets of essays you want via the appropriate attachment link) -- that material attached to (or linked to) in that Update itself.


Looking for lead/head Collaborator to do the needed empirical research (very likely involving eye-tracking and computer assisted analysis of behavior)

Looking for lead/head Researcher to do the needed empirical research (very likely involving eye-tracking and computer assisted analysis of behavior patterns). Here is a post (Question) which may clarify what is needed:


May 30, 2018


added an update

Nearly ALL writings on EVERY TOPIC I ADDRESS are now available in an all-in-one zip

Nearly ALL writings are now available in an all-in-one zip. This contains writings on human behavior : human ethology and the beginning of a human ethogram via a new cognitive-developmental perspective and completely empirical, researchable (testable, verifiable) approach. And related writings on AI and [more remotely related] writings on Buddhism. I think you will be able to tell what is what.

[ I will attach the zip files of the content just referred to above (called RGcopiesmore dot zip) , to THIS present Update below. ]

BUT BETTER YET (IF you are interested ONLY in what directly relates to this present Project) : First read the Project description, https://www.researchgate.net/project/Human-Ethology-and-Development-Ethogram-Theory

Then see especially:


May 16, 2018


added an update

An Intro to the 600 pages that spell everything out (and compare/contrast with others and justify this approach)

For a quick overview of the system, see an update (of today) to the AI Project:


Psychologists and Philosophers will want to read all the papers and essays.


Apr 6, 2018


added an update

Looking for lead/head Collaborator to do the needed empirical research (very likely involving eye-tracking and computer assisted analysis of behavior)

Looking for lead/head Collaborator to do the needed empirical research (very likely involving eye-tracking and computer assisted analysis of behavior patterns). Here is a post (Question) which may clarify what is needed: https://www.researchgate.net/post/Have_Technologies_in_the_role_of_a_MICROSCOPE_for_psychology_been_developed_which_can_now_be_used_to_investigate_important_observational_specifics (Please try to ignore the spam "Answers" below the Question and below my top 2 Answers, from someone else.)

[ I will still say: All this, I ask of you/some, is not so sophisticated that an AI team could not also/as well educate team member(s) to get all the background needed from psychology and do this research. Then perhaps your team can develop even greater AI. I believe the main "avenues" of research development could come from psychology and/OR AI. ] SPECIFICALLY : Looking for interested party to do the needed research: to test (and hopefully successfully verify) the hypotheses about empirical phenomenon outlined in the major paper (reference) of this Project ("A Human Ethogram ...") and further defined, justified, and specified in the Collected Essays (a recent "BOOK"). AND, this person must be IN A POSITION TO DO SO, with a position and modern facilities,


Mar 6, 2018
