#Buddhism : the earliest & best existentialism . If anyone teaches existentialism & doesn't teach Buddhism, see: https://mynichecomp.com

The Buddha: "“to whatever mental state realized by direct knowledge, he directs his mind,

he achieves the capacity of realizing that state by direct knowledge,

whenever the necessary conditions obtain” (many examples given) "

"Conceiving is a disease, conceiving is a tumor, conceiving is a dart. By over-coming all conceivings, monk, one is called a sage at peace."

Re: suffering: Insight and wisdom of the Buddha: "that which is the nature of its arising, is the nature of its cessation"

#Buddhism Why you should not worry about a fortunate rebirth; direct yourself otherwise See Comments (Buddha's words: http://tinyurl.com/q9kjvzr )

Some important NON-invariant aspects of Dependent Origination: http://tinyurl.com/ozl5666 #Buddhism

"...exactly obey It, It will adopt you, so that you shall no longer separate It from yourself in thought, you shall seem to be It, you shall be It."

(seems like It is speaking of Dharma, but it is a near-quote of Emerson, American transcendentalist)

Relationship of: steps in Dependent Origination &: Aggregates, & Sense Bases ETC & change (not well-known): http://tinyurl.com/ozl5666 #Buddhism

Large section on the variety of ways to meditate added to #Buddhism site: http://tinyurl.com/waystomeditate (W Rahula) Site seeks complete thoroughness,

Can one know something w/o evidence? Yes, in a sense: one can know that he doesn't know enough &/or can't 'see' clearly. That's it. #Buddhism

#Buddhism Confine 'self' to just reality-based mind & STRIVE for: great merit (good for others/self) & all possibilities of self-improvement

Almost solely the Buddha's words on the Path (transl. Bodhi): http://tinyurl.com/Buddhistpath

#Buddhism : way to fulfill positive needs/desires for all & every good thing -- real, reality-based & rational. Limitless & self-correcting

If you don't have clear right mindfulness & aren't developing it in all ways you should, your 'meditation' isn't enough. https://goo.gl/0nniu6

True mindfulness is good, intrinsically motivating, rewarding to self/others (promotes merit) & is key to fully useful meditation #Buddhism

#Buddhism Summary charts, perhaps helpful when(as) reading https://mynichecomp.com/index.php?subject=12 … ]: http://goo.gl/BCFPO6 & http://goo.gl/LwHNYR

Learn- #Buddhism kit : http://goo.gl/hm4jfN http://goo.gl/tXIy4D http://goo.gl/XqHkNw http://goo.gl/BCFPO6 http://goo.gl/LwHNYR

Doesn't it seem important that any person can be totally rational & realistic, AND self-improve & be happy/satisfied? http://goo.gl/XqHkNw

Techniques for holding the mind will tend to mislead you, I rest in the basic nature itself.” Milarepa #buddhism

"Your work is to discover your work and then with all your heart to give yourself to it." ~ Buddha @ZenProverbs #Buddhism #quotes

Please realize your responsibility, remember your potential, and have self-confidence. Have an open mind and a sense of caring & belonging.

#Gratitude is linked to decreased envy and materialism http://buff.ly/1Q0gpNU

Emma Seppälä, Ph.D.: In my experience, gratitude is one of the primary characteristics related to at least many aspects of good character

Not saying things clearly in a context (including mindfulness) isn't #Buddhism . Thus, that's a problem, if true context cannot be inferred.

Science is/is-supposed-to-be just good communication (real & verifiable), that's it's total essence (like #Buddhism) & needed for much merit

A difficult part of #Buddhism: many statements can only truly understood by enlightened; also giving context to other statements can be hard

We must do our best to nourish the wholesome & curb the unwholesome. Not only this but I believe we all must get much better at it. #Buddhism

Meditation, oft seen as central practice of #Buddhism. But most Buddhists through history didn't meditate. Mindfulness is main 'meditation'.

Meditation (as usually CONCEIVED), in history, seen as monastic; most irrevocably-achieved stream-entry occurs w/o such meditation. https://goo.gl/0nniu6

Monks like to push it (of course) & it per se has some benefit, but that "meditation" per se is not IT -- IT is true mindfulness. #Buddhism

Buddha: [when one] develops & cultivates the 8-fold Noble Path, then...the 4 establishments of mindfulness go to fulfillment by development...

#Buddhism: The Buddha was against saying things to another that s/he could not yet find useful

Good examples of use of #Buddhism : not by-analogy, not metaphoric, not using just some 'bits', but rather: describing (showing) the process

What if you want to be 100% realistic & rational, yet you are open to a system that might provide never-ending improvement: http://mynichecomp.com

Who doesn't even try to use all one's capacities but quickly drops responsibility & engages in magical thinking (& lets supposed others DO)?

To satisfy human yearnings, we seek profound ways for continuous self-improvement: #Buddhism, only real & reasonable thing http://goo.gl/XqHkNw

Almost every lay person can become a stream-enterer: Standards & criteria have clear definition (w/ this you are on the Path irrevocably) #Buddhism

Of the 8-fold Noble Path: Right View is the mental factor of wisdom exercised in understanding the 4 Noble Truths.

Right Intention is the mental factor of initial application directed towards renunciation, good will, and harmlessness.

Right Effort is the same as the four supreme efforts (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_Right_Exertions).

Right Mindfulness is the same as the four foundations of mindfulness.

Wisdom is understanding not as a possession but as an action (act of knowing, act of understanding, act of discovery). It is non-conceptual.

Wisdom, to get & develop: teacher, inquiry, learning the Dhamma; restraint, consolidation, being energetic & right striving; contemplation.

Unskilled, undisciplined in their Dhamma, one sees: form, feeling, perception, volitional formations & consciousness AS SELF (or in, or part of, self).

The critical point is when ignorance, craving, & conceit are eradicated.

Buddha: "When one develops & cultivates 8-fold Noble Path: 4 establishments of mindfulness go to fulfillment by development...[as do all other major things]"

The Buddha said: "For striving, most helpful is scrutiny; for scrutiny, application of will; for application of will, desire; for desire, acceptance of Teaching and pondering; acceptance of Teaching and pondering, examination of meaning; for examination of meaning, memorization; for memorization, hearing Dhamma via paying respect; and for paying respect, that which is most helpful is faith."

To contemplate an object in meditation one must know how to readily 'find'/experience the object -- different activity than typical meditation per se.

For unification of mind to become “right” concentration it must be contextualized w/i the 8-fold path scheme (not just 'deep' concentration)

Misinterpretation can often be based on meditative experience, not only on theoretical speculation; have firm acquaintance w/ Dhamma, for proper meditative progress.

Stream-entry: Contemplation of impermanence of all aspects of experience needed for awakening & full understanding of causality to be gained

Keep Calmly Knowing Change. Diligent, clearly knowing, mindful, equanimous, detached: all arisings & passing-aways. In all life & meditation.

Natural objects to contemplate: body-in-body, feelings-in-.., mind-in-mind..., 5 hindrances, aggregates, sense spheres, awakening factors, Noble Truths

B: "When in the seen will only be the seen, in the heard only what is heard, in the sensed only what is sensed,

in the known only what is known, [then] you will not be by that; when you are not by that, you will not be therein;

when you are not therein, you will be neither here, nor there, nor in between. This is the end of dukkha (suffering)."

Learn how sentient other sentient beings are: Awesome & amazing. You can start with your pets. If we can't do this, what else can't we do [yet]?

Suffering must be understood, its origination must be abandoned, its cessation has to be realized, & the practical path to this, developed. <-- ... REALLY. No more need be said. The case makes itself (res ipsa loquitur). Suffering will be realized. In that there will be success.

Just as space isn’t defined by the objects that move through it, awareness isn’t defined by what it apprehends. -- Mingyur Rinpoche #buddhism

Meditating you need: bare mindfulness (sati) combined w/ clearly knowing & contemplating just for “bare knowledge and continuous mindfulness”

mindfulness & clear knowledge complete stages concerned w/ ethical conduct, restraint, & contentment - the starting point for formal meditation <--... for developing knowledge & developing detached awareness of the arising & passing away of phenomenon #Buddhism

Tranquility leads to happy state that facilitates yet better concentration; absorption yields 'happiness' that surpasses regular happiness

One task of sati: to observe fetter that can arise; fetter shouldn't be imputed to either a sense or form, but to binding force of desire.

Suffering (unsatisfactoriness), not inherent in phenomena, but in the way unawakened experiences are conditioned; neither is problem for the awakened.

2 types meditation: calming type, do anytime (not specifically Buddhist, doesn't lead toward Enlightenment); Goal: insight meditation - start after prepared.

(Buddha's Satipatthana sutta is one focused on insight mediation. See Analayo (6-14-13) Satipatthana: The Direct Path to Realization (Kindle).)

" there actually IS doing; one who holds the view 'there is [ANY] no doing' has wrong view. ... wrong intention ... immoral"

"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life." -- quote from Amitabha Buddhist Society web site @AmitabhaPune #Buddhism

Like Gump: "Knowing-what-one-is-doing" IS, as "knowing-what-one-is-doing" DOES -- esp. true in grave times. #Buddhism

People want magic, to be happy, want to believe what is 'fun' ... it all misses the opportunity to have true happiness that comes with the Way

It is possible to have better #Buddhism & science, both at the same time, violating the principles of neither!!

In Buddhism, we place a special emphasis on practice, on things to do rather than things to think or believe. -- John Snelling

"Things to do" can be broad yet still very valid & that must be understood. Buddhism is very mental (in the sense/way: mental has effects)

",... in the sensed there will only be what is sensed, in the cognized there will only be what is cognized, THEN you will not be by THAT,... "

Buddha: "Without directly knowing the whole, without fully understanding the whole, one is incapable of destroying suffering." #Buddhism

For one to be good for the many: practicing Path, endowed with precepts & observances, teaching Dhamma good in: the beginning, middle, & the end

For true peace of mind, formal meditation must be combined with a commitment to responsibility, & with care for oneself & others. #Buddhism

Though it surely is common to 'get' #Buddhism wrong, because of its reality-based core it's possible to get it right

[From; w/r to] "... the aggregates, elements, and sense bases: he does not conceive that, does not conceive in that, does not conceive from that, does not conceive, 'That is mine'. [Being thus,] he does not cling to anything in this world."

Don't be afraid because: You have nothing. One can experience a true background emptiness in life that's good; so why worry about it?

A notable thing about dependent origination: Realize some true cause & effect & then you can find a 'space' between them (calm good emptiness)

#Buddhism: Good relations with others; efforts, attention, discipline, contemplation & finally realization of [some] things as they really are

All need to become good enough for modern challenges so everyone is held to reasonable standard. Rational #Buddhism

Good way of life isn't an add-on or "a sometimes"; when rightly practiced it is "an always" (always helpful). Anything else & you are mistaken.

Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson:

If your Personal Beliefs deny what’s objectively true about the world, then they're more accurately called Personal Delusions

But one should have a way of life for 'picking & choosing' (at least outside meditation) to get full benefit of meditation.

Sometimes it's not best to take on problems just a few at a time; sometimes it is better to take on many at once.

#Buddhism way to show compassion, think mindfully, attend carefully, be disciplined, concentrate, contemplate, realize & know true happiness

It can't be that "complicated" and it isn't (<-- though some may not like this!). #Buddhism

#Buddhism, meet #science; science, meet Buddhism: They would meet; they would have to meet. Way of life includes way of understanding; do it.

Stream-enterer with other specified qualities can teach #Buddhism. It doesn't require monk or lama (good, because there are not enough of them)

One may potentially have Buddha nature, BUT #Buddhism DOESN'T see us as naturally good without developing great discipline; just to do what you want IS bad

There is just one absolute: Reality. We should come to know what we can know better very well. #Buddhism Try well.

Not Buddhist: (if any of the following): not atheist; simply seek more known happiness; responsible via controlling others; asocial/antisocial/amoral/immoral

Get courage & way to perceive real, think real, act real, feel real, & be real; fearless. Real & rational #Buddhism http://tiny.cc/rrb

Many have business sustaining the very same questions (or creating more such) & making confusion. VS good #Buddhism

Nothing is more suspicious than the very same questions which are always 'applied' similarly and to no good effect. Opposite: RR #Buddhism

If you love your questions above anything else, you love yourself above all; but there is no self -- see how silly you look?

You can't make something make sense; must find out how it makes sense (& find 'it') #Buddhism in 'business' of answers.

You must first do all ethical effortful intentional strivings, for knowledge & understanding & realization points, Path to Enlightenment #Buddhism

If you don't know if you are a stream-enterer, you aren't (have no fruition). If you've been a stream-enterer you know you are!

Dali Lama: "if #science & #Buddhism conflict, Buddhism must change"; should say "... Buddhism must expand &/or gain clarity", if one in touch with Dhamma

Thought: "Imperfect Buddha, not just OK but GOOD!" <- Not examining this is non-Buddhist, correct? Proceed.

It may very well be that the more 'magic' a person takes out of the world, the more he can actually ADD [(to 'seeing', realizing)] #Buddhism

Trust in Buddha & don't fully trust in him, paradox of #Buddhism, seems as essential as: renunciate for liberation; restraint to be free ...

If you can believe what's possible, if true, you can come to see it, verify it & realize things as they are, achieve wisdom & have mind liberated

All can be done wrongly in #Buddhism; BUT, all can be done rightly: then one is assured irrevocable attainments that one realizes & that benefits ALL.

Buddhism doesn't ever even imply inherent goodness (near opposite); with learning, investigating, discipline & development, you can become noble.

...you find you are the best, freest, effective self only by effortful, intentional striving & discipline (& development) AND discovering things as they really are

If the words of the Buddha seem not enough for you then, in reality, you have just not been enough for them.

Very reasonable to see & realize the Buddha (the words) as imperfect; but don't fail to see his system in the words as the very best & enough.

"Dwell in balance admid an unbalanced population, ...unafflicted amid an afflicted population. As one who has entered the stream ..." #Buddhism

#Buddhism-way clear enough that all can understand & leaders can be together & agree (& work) with clear comprehension

Don't mistake confusion for wonderment or you'll have confusion & likely more of it. Things DO have to be understandable enough to be practical.

simply: stream entry: experience of the nature of things which thereafter always colors one's view. Can do! #Buddhism

How common are stream-enterers?: Buddha: "among these...[monks], the least is a stream-enterer" & "ALL those who have unwavering confidence in me are stream-enterers"

Buddha: "Wise attention is one factor that conduces to distinction. Unwise attention is one factor that conduces to ruin".

One must be fully with/on the 'object' one is contemplating or attending to wisely (closely) or concentrating on -- THAT is the NOW of #Buddhism

For unenlightened: a bit of the emptiness #Buddhism speaks of is found when you transcend the unnecessary or incorrect parts of views (that is insight). <-experiencing a bit of 'emptiness' of old incorrect view, one also gets a sense of the conditionality & impermanence, & of non-self.

meditating Buddhists often wrongful: focusing so much on particular meditation processes they trivialize/invalidate insight, wisdom & virtue

Unenlightened: mindfulness isn't the end goal but a control faculty sub-serving contemplation, concentration & insight (-> wisdom) #Buddhism

... Mindfulness _&_ understanding are applied to experience, & with previous mental development may be wise

With wise attention & lucent awareness (developed), the mind can proceed to comprehend the object as it is. #Buddhism

#Buddhism is forward-looking: there's necessary fear of doing wrong & shame at doing wrong, but there's no guilt & there's faith, of an objective sort.

Persist at the thing you continue to see as fully good; even if eventually you are shown to be an idiot or an ass, you will be YOU. #Buddhism

One thing #Buddhism teaches us is that we all need to evaluate ALL oneself: strive, investigate, contemplate

Ironically, you have less of a 'self' (i.e. no self) if you are true to your 'self'-in-the-world than you are with any given or ascribed role. #Buddhism

300p pdf book: detailing #Buddhism meditation w/o delusion, see: http://tiny.cc/howmed

You are responsible for all things, yet nothing is self. Be skillful, without contradictions, full of 'seeing' all that is necessary & the good.

Framing a rather unexplored outlook on the positive value of intrusions during insight meditation http://mynichecomp.com/sciMed

Noting ALL reasonable intrusions in insight meditation better than fighting intrusions: Research: http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fnhum.2014.00086/full … #Buddhism #science

Can a spiritual way of life be 100% reality-based & rational? YES (#Buddhism) & #science can find more of its truth.

What makes 'existence' "paradoxical": https://mynichecomp.com/paradox.html .

No wonder #Buddhism is the way of life most compatible w/ #science: The closest thing Buddhism has to God is Reality http://mynichecomp.com/paradox.html

Not only is there no God in #Buddhism (except Reality) but you are, in a major sense, required to believe nothing (though, of course, you can come to see things as they are -- or more significantly in that direction) #science http://mynichecomp.com/paradox.html

4FM;4SE;faith* desire energy**+ consciousness mindfulness*+ investigation+ concentration*+ wisdom*; +zest +tranquility +equanimity:7FE ->8NP

<-- Re: last post: All major Factors for Enlightenment in 140 characters: Key: "+" means: also part of Factors for Enlightenment (F.E.) & ea * for another additional occurrence in separate list (sub-list)

Shortest useful mnemonic to remember the 37 Factors for Enlightenment in #Buddhism: 4FM4SEfdecmicwzte8NP(visale-mc)

How to remember most all of #Buddhism , after you have learned it: https://mynichecomp.com/Blists.html (new IMPORTANT Summary page)

You can be confused & be more mystified (perhaps feel 'magical' & 'mystical') or you can move to fully know the world, yourself, others #Buddhism

#Buddhism Path 'kit' Part 1 http://goo.gl/hm4jfN http://goo.gl/XqHkNw http://goo.gl/Sysgj4 http://goo.gl/tXIy4D

#Buddhism Path 'kit' Part 2: http://goo.gl/BCFPO6 http://goo.gl/LwHNYR http://mynichecomp.com Go for it!

#Buddhism Path 'kit' Part 3: https://mynichecomp.com/majSources.txt (to read all for yourself from the Buddha's own words). ALL doable.

All the lists compiled on http://mynichecomp.com/Blists.html (each one) is a list of things the Buddha himself LISTED (they still summarize #Buddhism).

Be quite unique & know your spirit & your Path at a level well beyond the typical (& develop from there !) #Buddhism

One example of how an advanced one might become Enlightened https://mynichecomp.com/onePossOrder.txt … & what that would be like https://mynichecomp.com/paradox.html #Buddhism

sense the satisfaction & elevated happiness that comes w/ achieving Path of #Buddhism or you may not be able to go beyond simple temporary joy.

Too much claimed for sitting meditation. 'Meditation' act. = "mental cultivation" including real world investment, concentration, mindfulness etc. #Buddhism

What do you call someone who doesn't mess up the clear messages of discourses on a great way of life?: a 'rare bird' & a FRIEND. #Buddhism

'Meditation', beliefs (even fabrications against 'fabrications'), false claims = the destruction of real #Buddhism

Resolve uncertainty about what is relatively certain [to us, to our thinking] vs. what is (or where there is) emptiness. Rational #Buddhism

Those doing just sitting 'meditation', often clinging to beliefs (things told; vague aspirations; not via realizations) & not really doing IT

Understand the system; see the system used for better & useful perspective/understanding; adopt the system #Buddhism

"Settle not, and ye shall not have settled." Verify your realities; often it cannot be done for U #science #Buddhism

Be a good person & 'self-actualize' & be totally fully rational & realistic. #Buddhism: Fully providing for learning.

Not anything good about viewing Buddha as perfect; but possibly real, rational, & logically consistent core of his system: unsurpassed #Buddhism

In the midst of all dharmas, one is constant in not seizing on them, thus coursing along in equanimity, devoid of anything belonging to a self

... all that, while serving others, is the goal of #Buddhism & is accomplished via the Buddha's Path

Test: take a week fully discussing #Buddhism without using the word 'meditation': easy if one is not limited by delusion.

You don't will yourself, force yourself OR keep yourself non-conceptual, rather you find the true non-conceptual only towards an end of the Path.

Existing things are ultimately empty of intrinsic nature... The conventional is the necessary means for understanding the ultimates.

True emptiness (non-conceptual) brings the rest of consciousness into relief -- as most fulfilling (as view fulfilled) -- & v.v. #Buddhism

Some emptiness with transcending unnecessary or incorrect parts of view(s);one also gets sense of conditionality & impermanence, & of non-self.

'Emptiness' found with significant progress on #Buddhism Path is essentially free 'mind-space'; how wonderful a point would be to have a lot : nibbana

Peak of wisdom: content is emptiness (wonderful; nibbana) & its context, path & practices is of an enlightened one. #Buddhism

BUT: must not base practice on getting at 'emptiness'; one determined to get at emptiness itself, that is even more wrong than view of body as self. Discovery of emptiness (realizing intrinsic emptiness) is basically an after effect (side effect) of developing wise right view.

What is 'NOW', 'the present', 'the moment' in #Buddhism? Ans.: the 'object' one is contemplating or attending to wisely or concentrating on.

Rationality becomes much more, yet rational; reality becomes much more, yet real. #Buddhism, satisfying joyous life.

The joy of the beasts is my joy; the pain of the beasts is my pain; the mind of the beasts is my mind -- these are the best things about me.

If 'meditation' turns you off, can you still be Buddhist? YES. For millennia: for good Buddhists: 'meditation' not required http://tricycle.org/trikedaily/biggest-misconception-about-buddhism/

(In fact, complete total concentration on 'meditation', combined with false claims that it is sufficient for wisdom is a downfall of modern #Buddhism.)

Not even necessary to do [supposed] #Buddhism meditation (or anything like it) to become a stream-enterer -- according to the Buddha himself.

Meditation CAN be big help or only somewhat helpful; to find wisdom other BIG factors required: https://mynichecomp.com/sciMed.pdf

If one hasn't realized major concepts, how can one teach the Dharma? Turn beliefs into realizations by fully learning #Buddhism, then practicing

to be a guide to fully learning #Buddhism & promoting beliefs into realizations, as a basis for practice & teaching.

In the absence of desire to know, one becomes confused & seeks something else. Do not abandon the desire to know. Strive ardently. #Buddhism

... and, believe nothing (but have faith/hope in coming to know); come to know. #Buddhism #science Strive ardently.

Example of the final realization of an advanced one on the Path of #Buddhism: https://mynichecomp.com/onePossOrder.txt … (might be good to read & imagine this)

You must sense, pursue & find an objective end to the muddle OR there will be no end to it. Even if #science, it's a personal effort "at all times." How? Best expression: the qualitative nature of coming to know #Buddhism

Investigate, realize true distinctions (no wrong discriminations): come to know

Good: process of finding 'the real'; no one can do it for you; have an outline of the nature of the process: http://mynichecomp.com #Buddhism

Necessary faith: striving ardently, mindful, comprehending, you will have right: intention, action, & views. Thus you will accomplish important things.

...no intrinsic nature to things, but there's nothing that has no existence - that's true #Buddhism, the rest false.

"It's non-conceptual. It's non-conceptual.": Pushing this at too-early a point (often done) just pushes not thinking & THAT'S NOT #Buddhism

#Buddhism from Buddha suttas!: Nothing just comes from 'inside you'; all comes from better interactions & better "seeing things as they are".

Idea/sense/belief that good comes from inherent good 'inside', in #Buddhism is wrong view, because it IS a view of *self* (opposite of non-self).

How does one never lose confidence?: By having discovered a significant Reality via the Path (irrevocable). All can be stream enterers. #Buddhism

Full path to spiritual development in objective (realistic & rational) terms: can you imagine the benefits? http://mynichecomp.com #Buddhism

Working with volitional formations in personal formal study, one is investigating/contemplating/developing mindfulness/insight of the personal, less-covered

A stream-enterer knows, s/he can clearly indicate how, & can show or demonstrate how. You can be the judge.

You must select what you will develop insight and wisdom ABOUT. This is personal & particular, & thus can only be broadly outlined in #Buddhism

Ultimate reality exists, though nothing has an intrinsic nature; knowing this & communicating well can lead us to really know more. #Buddhism

(You will never, at least in any big way, know any definitive ultimate reality.)

come close to where we can say: "life has been lived, what had to be done has been done, there is no more for this state of being". #Buddhism

With open, caring, thoughtful mind & true exertion, You have a chance at stream-entry through investigation. http://mynichecomp.com #Buddhism

No wisdom without commitment to personally investigating important, clear mental 'object(s)' (of any actual complexity) & doing so in all relevant contexts.

Buddha: "Who looks for me in form who seeks me in a voice indulges in a wasted effort such people see me not." #Buddhism

M.S.'s Manual of Insight: there's NO WAY you should not have a good idea of what is going on in your meditation & NO not-noting is recommended

Moreover Mahasi Sayadaw says that anything important in the present should be processed BEYOND mere noting (then return to object, of concentration).

Always observe what is obvious OR comes to be obvious (mental objects) by being well-based in observation, via wise attention & wise insight

It is important to make things reasonable, IN THE SENSE OF making connection with real (& wholesome) intention _&_ for better understanding & action.

One who seeks learning gains everyday; one who just seeks The Way loses every day; one loses until he finds nothing to do which means nothing left undone.

All attachments are manifestations of attachment to a self. [Yet:] Attachment to saving beings is what allows for no attachment. #Buddhism

How could the 'basics' be difficult, complicated, & hard-to-understand? They couldn't be & aren't http://mynichecomp.com/paradox.html #Buddhism #science

Not the spontaneous impact of things, but some abstraction of this &/or that (many kinds) are involved in wisdom of the fundundamental truths of Reality

<- ... YET there is always wise attention &/or wise mindfulness (of what's there in present, really never nothing). Know that too. #Buddhism

Buddha (#Buddhism): Without wholesome virtuous behavior: no development of concentration, no coming to see things as they are & no great vision

One should recall: the Buddha tried EVERYTHING, including all the meditative absorptions & their results & NONE of all this alone worked. #Buddhism

Without some conceptual recognition, no development of insight & wisdom (rely on signs least changing). Yet one must direct attention to CHANGE & to signless!

[But] signless concentration of mind rooted in formations & in intentions: do not delight in that; do not seek that; & don't become established in that.

Wisdom doesn't just involve the non-conceptual but may 'see' the non-conceptual. Not understanding this: not understanding #Buddhism. Believe nothing.

In reality, you are responsible for everything (like existentialism), so simply believe NOTHING. #Buddhism, for sure the earliest existentialism

consider-contemplate-review --see-- aware & mindful: contemplate/concentrate -- investigate -- review/contemplate, mindful & aware -- 'see' better

If #science is just external to you, you aren't doing science (& if you think you are, you are not a Buddhist). #Buddhism There's no answer to your non-answer.

No contentment with "wishing for all", beliefs, personal tranquility; Instead ardently striving with intentional actions to 'see things as they are'

Faith to have capacity for knowledge, followed by progressively gaining knowledge (& seeing it all as an understandable process):

rational, realistic (reality-based) process for personal development & coming to see things as they are: Rational Realistic #Buddhism

Do wise noting, contemplating, or investigating. There's no progress without wise attention, for knowing more (this is insight process). ...

... such bare wise attention, leading to knowing more, will reveal some causation, feeling &/or intention (& help define the object itself).

Buddha used the word 'within', but never in the context of wisdom within or anything of sort. We simply have capacity for wisdom, NOT within

<- based on a comprehensive search of all 4 major Nikayas: 'within' w/r to bad or affirming good (NOT in context of finding good).

If one likes the idea of "looking within" [for wisdom], one likely underestimates fundamental interactional nature of Buddhist progress & realization

Those who speak about 'abstract', know that ITSELF (alone, isolated) CANNOT be defined.

You cannot understand the context of important emotions without understanding cognitive development (so do the work)

...Those who speak about 'consciousness' be sure you can cite all external referents and describe it only in clear relation to these. OKAY?

Never diminish yourself by just learning; You must also (in ALL significant ways) do personal understanding

To know that you know things is simply part of knowing things; to control what you do is simply part of doing (no "meta" this or "meta" that NOR "executive functions").

A point of view contributed by Mahayana: http://mynichecomp.com/mahayana.html . Yet CORE #Buddhism teachings are most imp.& essential: https://mynichecomp.com/index.php?subject=12