Several Papers and Essays on Human Ethology (specifically Cognitive Development and innate action patterns)
[ These papers should be seen as (presently) in clear opposition to the hodgepodge Relational Developmental Systems Theories (including the 'Bioecological Approach' and sociocultural theory) -- which have no clear system and represent subjective researcher intuition (the 'researchers' are the "relaters"). They gave up on what they call 'the other type of approach' long before its "last gasp". The perspective and approach I take also greatly opposes all the Embodied Cognition Theories and the similar so-called "Enhancement" Theories. ]

The view and perspective here also eliminates the homunculi of the "meta-" this and "meta-" that and of the "executive processes".

Read it most of it online HERE using the following links :

For a summary of the perspective (this is optional) see and read 

NEXT: You are to read both a larger paper AND (optionally) a shorter paper for the summary of the
perspective; get to them via the links, directly below.

To get to the first larger paper (a MUST READ) :

Then link to the shorter paper (reading this one is OPTIONAL) :

AGAIN, FIRST :  Read at least the foundational paper, "A Human Ethogram ..." (via the h link, given above) (the shorter information processing
this paper (also foundational) is optional, except for AL/AGI people)USE the same, link and look for it at the bottom of the page
and THEN

read the following 4 items (below). The first is recent essays on the theory, all written in the last 4 years. So, after
reading and appreciating the foundation paper(s) read:  . AND THEN after that: read/strong> the 3 VERY IMPORTANT Addenda to "Essentially, all .." (below)(read in order):


NOW the most recent writings on Ethogram Theory (a cognitive developmental theory) are avaliable AS A COLLECTION TO DOWNLOAD AT : . These are the ESSAYS written in 2021 through Feb. 2022

Now there's a 15-page SUMMARY -- the summary of KEY SCIENCE characteristics adhered to.




 Notably more insight into my views can be found at :



Science Reasons to want to Investigate the perspective of my major Related Papers (above):

Some things that argue for reading my perspective (my 3 old papers):

      * Problems of all major different theoretical perspectives are solved with the same
         new type of answer -- indicating the general utility of the new perspective.
      * AS the 'biology of behavior' (which is what ethology is (Eibl-Ebesfeldt, '75)), one can 
         make very a useful, strong case for the application of the basic Principles of BIOLOGY to
         behavioral patterns (e.g. homeostasis), and I do in the papers.

      * A type of problem with all other modern theories is argued to be due to clearly accepting
         conclusions AS assumptions! (The way this is repeatedly recognized as the same type of thing
         with different theorists, with different basic theories of behavior [development], should
         be seen as a notable strength. [ Logically, this should have been listed before point #1, above. ])

      * In this new modern tech. world, doing the studies one would do to indicate the validity
         of my perspective are now possible (though were NOT possible 30+ years ago, when I wrote
         the papers).

      * The paper is written from a classical ethological perspective, using all the major concepts of
         that field -- applying all those important terms to human behavior.

      * It is conceivable that the perceptual biases I describe could have evolved using basically
         the same kind of imagery and concepts that Frans de Waal's apes use in understanding social
         relationships -- thus indicating these as possible true evolutionary forerunners (of the kind of
         conceptualization used in the more flexible &/or abstract thought of humans).

Adding to the merits claimed for the papers (above), one must add the following (these may be even more important):


Only this developmental psychology theory (ethology) credibly integrates 'innate factors' & 'learning' so BOTH simultaneously have effect. 
All the BEST other developmental  psychology theories do is talk about 'learning' involved & talk about 'innate' involved & do so 
separately, back & forth repeatedly. PLUS: This ethological cognitive-developmental psyc. THEORY (innate/learned) does it with absolutely 
the most empirical (grounded-in-observable) approach possible. Again, it only recently has become totally possible to verify the hypotheses.


These papers outline the overtly observable foundations for levels of abstraction; though subtle, this makes 'abstraction' concrete (and in a
sense not 'abstract') and is the basis for a total empiricism in behavior observation.


With this perspective, the following requirement is met:
All explanatory perspectives must conform to the established limitations of working memory (and have conscious and deliberate
development occur there, by its increments). Outside of the episodic memory context and other well established contexts/procedures,

working memory basically is like short-term memory, limited to 7 + or - 2 "chunks". AND, in an important way: All that has to be done
has to be done there; if too much is necessary and is new one can expect some innate guidance, which (in my view) can be as minimal as
perceptual biases (conceived broadly and conforming to major necessary patterns 'seen').