ONE of my three projects was zipped up by me AND then also unzipped into this current Projects folder.


When you first get  HERE (to this page) read this README page ; THEN
to GET all the parts of the main Project, provided by me, go to:



As you can see, the "Human Ethology and Development (Ethology Theory) ..." Project is in THIS Projects folder (,  AS an Intro html file and then three other parts, also as html docunments.  BUT, IN ADDITION (as a BIG bonus for this main Project) : There is a way to get EACH part of THIS one special Project, as ODT FILES : just double click (also in this Projects folder).  That will download the zip and allow you to unzip it and have this Project as odt files (Open Office's version of docs/xdocx ).




 ALL these Projects:
The Ethology and Evelopment Project and the other two main Projects are all provided by Reseachgate, and I HAVE obtained those; using the appropriate zip  file-names , this will to get to the contents OF EACH/ANY PROJECT ; (when unzipped, these are the html files of the Project). I have made these url addresses for you: (directly below):

 http:s// and

NOTE : In my own creation and copy of the one Project, the major one, and for at least some of the Project folders provided by Researchgate : you must read BOTTOM to the top to read chronologically (which is likely best).
